March 31

#110 Today’s Boondoggle- with SGT Greg Roeder


In this episode Bill talks with with Army Veteran, SGT Greg Roeder. Both of us were participating in a veterans weekend retreat with the Lone Survivor Foundation along with many other veterans, all with a unique story to share. Greg talks about the highs and lows in his life during and after his military service. Greg brings attention to the “Forgotten Wars” our military has been involved in, and is also very transparent about the struggles he has faced since his military service, including homelessness and addiction. Greg shares some stories about his time in the police force after the military, his fall from grace, and his redemption story which is still being written today. We also talk a little about our experience at the Lone Survivor Retreat, as well as some of the other veterans organizations we’ve been involved with, and so much more.

So kick back with your headphones and cold one for this latest episode. Enjoy our additional segments featuring music from the Flo White Show and Stories from the VFW Hall.

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Additional music by Evan Crouse

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Image: Today's Boondoggle
Today's Boondoggle
#110 Today’s Boondoggle- with SGT Greg Roeder

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