June 16

#121 Today’s Boondoggle- with David and Marcelo of the band Sullen


In this episode Bill talks Internationally with Portugal natives David Pias and Marcelo Aires of the band Sullen. We talk about life in Portugal during a Pandemic, how the Sullen project came to be, Chris Cornells influence on music, Nodus Tollens Act 1 and what to expect in Act II, how everything in life goes back to The Matrix and Robocop, The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows, plus so much more.  

  So kick back with your headphones and cold one for this latest episode. Enjoy our additional segments featuring music from the Flo White Show and Stories from the VFW Hall.   

 Remember Boondoggle Listeners Matter, so e-mail us at todaysboondoggle@gmail.com and let us know your thoughts so we can read them on air.   

 Tweet us @2daysBoondoggle and Follow us on Instagram @todaysboondoggle as well as on Facebook. 

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 Follow Today’s Boondoggle  also on our Social Media as well as  DomainCle.com and on Anchor.fm  Today’s Boondoggle logo designed by Stacy Candow.  

Additional music by Evan Crouse 

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Image: Today's Boondoggle
Today's Boondoggle
#121 Today’s Boondoggle- with David and Marcelo of the band Sullen

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