July 13

#182 Today’s Boondoggle- Controlling Our Narrative with the Narrator, JC Koszewski


In this episode Bill talks with The Narrator himself, Jedediah JC Koszewski

We talk about meeting at a Mushroomhead Bachelors party when he was 15, his guidance counselor telling him to become a screen printer, then using that to network into the worlds of music and professional wrestling, his early days forming bands with his good friends Tom Shaffner and Steve Rauckhorst which continues today, babysitting Slash from Guns N Roses, the good times with Garmonbozia into Dead Even, the DIY education he received in the music and entertainment industry not only as a musician but as a booker and talent buyer.
We also talk about what dwid of Integrity and Skinny of Mushroomhead taught him along the way, his love for professional wrestling and years running indy shows, his brotherhood with EC3 and the trials they have both faced to solidify their bond, how Control Your Narrative came to be, what is the Narrative, their show May 13th in Cleveland Ohio being not just a homecoming but JC’s shedding of his past as well, the possibility of a JC Mann Band in the future, plus so much more.

Today’s Boondoggle fans can receive 10% off their orders at dreemnutrition.com by using the promo code BOONDOG10 at checkout.

So kick back with your headphones and cold one for this latest episode. Enjoy our additional segments featuring music from the Flo White Show and Stories from the VFW Hall.

Remember Boondoggle Listeners Matter, so e-mail us at todaysboondoggle@gmail.com and let us know your thoughts so we can read them on air. Tweet us @2daysBoondoggle and Follow us on Instagram @todaysboondoggle as well as on Facebook.

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Today’s Boondoggle logo designed by Stacy Candow. Additional music by Evan Crouse

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Image: Today's Boondoggle
Today's Boondoggle
#182 Today’s Boondoggle- Controlling Our Narrative with the Narrator, JC Koszewski

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