May 22

#63 Today’s Boondoggle- Mike Lepond of Symphony X


In this episode Bill has a great conversation with the extremely talented Bass Master, Mike Lepond of the band Symphony X and Mike Lepond’s Silent Assassins. During this discussion they talk about the release of his album THE WHORE OF BABYLON and the strange coincidence of it being released during a Global Pandemic and Bill Gates push to vaccinate and chip all of humanity.

They also talk about the importance of learning History to avoid repeating it. How he almost psyched himself out of auditioning for Symphony X, as well as how Gene Simmons of KISS changed his life, and so much more that you must hear. Including the song The Telltale Heart from his upcoming solo Album The Whore of Babylon.

So kick back with your headphones and cold one for this latest episode.

Enjoy our additional segments featuring music from the Flo White Show and Stories from the VFW Hall.

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Image: Today's Boondoggle
Today's Boondoggle
#63 Today’s Boondoggle- Mike Lepond of Symphony X

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